Julie´s Life in Dubai

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Norwegian Bombing!

For those of you who may not have seen the news, there has been a horrible attack on  Norwegian soil by a religious extremist. These attacks must be stopped!  They are happening all over our world. I do not care whom or what one chooses to worship. It is a personal choice between you and your God. Anyone who kills in the name of God is not a religious person but a deranged mentally ill person, whom peaceful society´s should not tolerate among them.
The Norwegian´s are peace keepers. They do not war with anyone. Many refugee come  to Norway from every third world country on our earth. They are offered food, shelter, free education and a peaceful way of life equivalent to the life offered to all native born Norwegians.
Please pray for the families of our day 80+ were children and young adults. In todays world we as good people who come from all faiths should not tolerate this since less violence. The killing must end and anyone connected to the violence must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. All existing family members should be deported to their national country no matter the consequences. 
The Nations of the world must stop this now! My God does not sanction killers on his behalf. If yours does maybe you should rethink the religious group you worship with.

Norwegian Bombing!

For those of you who may not have seen the news, there has been a horrible attack on  Norwegian soil by a religious extremist. These attacks must be stopped!  They are happening all over our world. I do not care whom or what one chooses to worship. It is a personal choice between you and your God. Anyone who kills in the name of God is not a religious person but a deranged mentally ill person, whom peaceful society´s should not tolerate among them.
The Norwegian´s are peace keepers. They do not war with anyone. Many refugee come  to Norway from every third world country on our earth. They are offered food, shelter, free education and a peaceful way of life equivalent to the life offered to all native born Norwegians.
Please pray for the families of our day 80+ were children and young adults. In todays world we as good people who come from all faiths should not tolerate this since less violence. The killing must end and anyone connected to the violence must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. All existing family members should be deported to their national country no matter the consequences. 
The Nations of the world must stop this now! My God does not sanction killers on his behalf. If yours does maybe you should rethink the religious group you worship with.